8534 Well Road, Daphne, AL 36526


Parent Info

Registration fee is charged annually:

  •    1 child - $65
  •    Family - $85     

Tuition is due on the first of each month- A $10.00 late fee will be added after the 5th of each month. 

Payment Date
-Monthly tuition will be drawn from the payment source on file in your Parent Portal on the 1st of every month.

Withdrawal Policy

  • 2-Week Notice required prior to Payment Date
  • Withdrawing your child from the program must be done in writing on or before the 15th of the month. Withdrawal requests should be sent to bcgagym@att.net before the cutoff date. If we do not receive a request to withdraw by that time, your account will charged for the following month, as we continue to hold that spot for




2024-2025 Bay City Calendar of Events

August 5
School Year Session Begins (August 2024-May 2025)

September 2
Labor Day - NO CLASSES

September 16-20
National Gymnastics Week Celebration

October 31
Halloween - NO CLASSES

November (TBA)
1st In-House Competition - Powerhouse Team
1st Skill Evaluation - Developmental Program

November 27-29
Thanksgiving Break - NO CLASSES

December 20-January 5
Christmas Break

January 6
Resume Classes after Christmas Break

February (TBA)
2nd In-House Competition - Powerhouse Team
2nd Skill Evaluation - Developmental Program

March 3-4
Mardi Gras Holiday - NO CLASSES

April 14-17
Spring Break

May 22
Last Day of school Year Session


Student Policies

Arrival Time 
Please arrive on time. Walk your child into the lobby no more than 5 minutes before class and pick up in the lobby promptly after class. We cannot be responsible for children left unattended.

Gym Attire
Hair should be pulled off neck and away from the face for ALL CLASSES. 
Girls must wear leotards. No shorts or T­shirts may be worn. 
Boys may wear shorts and T-shirts.